Friday, October 12, 2012

snorkeling with students from smsa

okay, so last week i helped out the staff from poni to teach the smsa students snorkeling.
its quite fun and here are some of their pics:)
Me and the staff discussing about the event!
arrival of the students
all together of 90 students!
helping them with their gears.

So, after they got their gear, we taught them how to snorkel properly!

teaching them how to snorkel!

and while they are busy learning to snorkel, some of them are inside listening to the presentation led by a bulgarian marine biologist named ivo!
ivo leading the presentation
students listening to the interesting presentation.

while they were presenting, a group was taken to an island called the pelong rocks

2 students infront of the island

a student happily snorkeling.

And as for the last group, they were doing beach clean up. this even runs in a cycle. so each group will have the chance to do the same things. 1. snorkeling 2. beach clean up 3. presentation

the last group doing beach clean up!

At the end of the day, everyone gathers up to listen to the thye(owner) about the events.

the gathering at the end of the day!

these were some of the staff taking care of the students.

thye(owner of Poni) , me and Fifie (Administrative manager)

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